A Queen is Born: Lavender, Defying Her Odds with Trisomy 18


Trisomy 18 is a chromosomal disorder affecting one in 7000 births. Lavender’s family was given grim odds, yet she has been proving them wrong every step of the way.


Incompatible with life. Let these words resonate within you. What would you do if you were told at your 12-week ultrasound that the child you were carrying, the child you had hoped and prayed for, had a chromosomal abnormality? What if you were told that this life inside you might not survive through the second or third trimester, that if they made it to delivery, they might not survive long after birth?

It sounds like a nightmare, but this was the reality for Rose Watson in 2016. For Rose, there was only one choice. She says, “I made a decision to allow myself to feel every emotion I wanted to feel, and most importantly to enjoy every single moment of this pregnancy, and not allow anyone to steal my joy. I waited for my husband and daughter to fall asleep and I sobbed in the middle of my living room and told God: You can use me. I will be her voice. I will stand up for life and loving beyond any earthly time limits. I will be a teacher for those who aren’t informed. I trust You.”

On December 27, 2016, Lavender Elizabeth was born weighing 4lbs 7oz. A tiny miracle with a giant agenda. Her diagnosis: Trisomy 18. Her mission: to defy all odds and prove that she IS compatible with life.

March is Trisomy Awareness Month. Many people are most familiar with this diagnosis in its most common form, Trisomy 21, otherwise known as Down Syndrome. Trisomy 18 is the second most common Trisomy diagnosis. About 1 in every 7,000 babies is born with Trisomy 18, and most are female. These babies are often born very small and frail. By definition, they usually have many serious health problems and physical defects. There is no cure for Trisomy 18.

Today, Lavender, most commonly known as the Queen, is a sassy 3-year-old. While she is not a typical toddler, in many ways, she is. She loves warm baths, her sissy Luella, watching mommy clean the house, her binky, toys that vibrate and light up, Yo Gabba Gabba, strands of beads, and trips to Target and Hobby Lobby.


Support Organization for Trisomy 18, 13, and Related Disorders (SOFT) is a valuable resource for Trisomy parents. According to their mission statement: “SOFT is a network of families and professionals dedicated to providing support and understanding to families involved in the issues and decisions surrounding the diagnosis and care in Trisomy 18, 13 and other related chromosomal disorders. Support can be provided during prenatal diagnosis, throughout the child’s life, and after the child’s passing. SOFT is committed to respecting a family’s personal decision and to the notion of parent-professional relationships.” For more information about SOFT and its mission, you can visit them at www.trisomy.org.

If you are interested in following Lavender’s journey, you can follow her page on Facebook called “Loving Lavender.”

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